
Hakuna has two environments available: sandbox and production. Each environment has a unique URL and requires a unique API key.

Sandbox environment: https://api.hellohakuna.com/sandbox/

Production environment: https://api.hellohakuna.com/

Using the sandbox environment

The Hakuna sandbox is a testing environment that simulates the live production environment. It has the same set of features as the production environment. You should use the sandbox to fully test and develop your integration. Before you switch to the production environment, you should have successfully tested all order events (placement, fulfillment, refund, cancellation).

Using the production environment

In the production environment, you'll need to use the base production URL and your live publishable key.

Please let us know when you are ready to go live so we can coordinate final testing. Once that's done, you'll be able to view your live publishable key in the merchant console.

Last updated