Integrated checkout

With this solution, you can create customized, fully integrated user journeys where your customers can purchase product protection alongside protectable products in any of your channels.

You will need to:

  • represent protection products in your system

  • match them with the applicable protection products

  • present the protection products to your customers

  • manage the cart

  • share any order events with us

We have API Helpers available for matching, cart validation and tracking connections between protection and protectable products, but ultimately you can decide how deep you want to integrate.

1. Represent protection products

To enable product protection to be added to carts and checked out, you have to have protection products in your inventory. To do this, you will need to add at least one item that represents product protection to your ERP system, either as a service item, a non-fulfillable SKU, or a regular item. The only requirement is that it must have a title and a price with 0% VAT.

The number of product protection items that make sense for you will depend on several factors (e.g., your protection program design, pricing strategy, inventory, ERP system, etc.). Your Hakuna Account Manager will work with you to determine the best course of action and provide you with a list of the items you need, but here's an overview of possible strategies:

  • One-to-all: A single placeholder item with a dynamic title and dynamic pricing is added to the ERP system to represent all possible product protection plans, which requires you to apply the same configuration (i.e., protection type and bucket pricing) to all products in your inventory that you want to offer protection for.

  • One-to-many: Several placeholder items with dynamic titles and dynamic pricing are added to the ERP system to represent different product protection plans, which allows you to apply different configurations (i.e., protection type and bucket pricing) to all products within a given price range and category.

  • One-to-one: Representative items with static titles and static pricing are added to the ERP system for each product protection plan. This approach can lead to a large volume of items in your ERP system and requires ongoing maintenance, but it allows you to apply different configurations (i.e., protection type and direct pricing) to each of your products.

  • Combination: A combination of one-to-one and one-to-many handling, where one or more placeholder items with dynamic titles and pricing as well as one or more representative items with static titles and pricing are added to the ERP system, which allows you to apply different configurations to your products at differing levels of detail.

Using the list provided to you by your Hakuna Account Manager, add the required products/items representing protection plans to your inventory. Once you have manually created the items, please share the product/item IDs from your system with your Hakuna Account Manager.

2. Match protection products to other products

You need to know which plans to sell for which protectable products so you will need to match the protection products you added to the corresponding protectable products in your system. To do that, you can either map them (i.e. using a custom property) or use the Hakuna API.

3. Present protection products to your customers

To enable your customers to purchase product protection, you will need to display the protection products in your desired channel(s) and allow customers to purchase them as an opt-in.

The relationship between protection plans and the protectable products as well as the difference between selection states should always be made clear.

4. Manage the cart

Whenever a product is added to the cart and the associated protection product is selected, you must also add the selected protection product to the cart as a line item with a reference to the protected product as a custom property.

Since the quantity of the protection products must always be kept in sync with that of the protected product, even if the protected product is zeroed out (i.e., removed from the cart), you will need to identify the required cart management actions after each cart update. To do that properly, you will also need to keep track of which protection plans were added to which protectable products.

5. Share order events

You must notify Hakuna whenever any of the following order events occur so that our platform can create and manage the insurance contracts for your customers accordingly:

  • Order placement event: When an order is placed in your system

  • Line item fulfillment event: When one or more line items are fulfilled in your system (e.g., after shipping)

  • Line item refund event: When one or more line items are refunded in your system (e.g., after a product return)

  • Line item cancellation event: When one or more line items are cancelled in your system

  • Order cancellation event: When an entire order is cancelled (e.g., because of a failed payment)

To do this, you can use our Events API, our Shopify app or share them via CSV. Please refer to the linked guides to find out more information about the individual requirements for each option.

Last updated