Post-purchase integration with Hakuna Redirect

Redirect your customers to unique checkout sessions hosted by Hakuna

This low-integration solution is a great way to give your customers the opportunity to get product protection for products they've already purchased with minimal effort from your side.

By passing us some product and transaction data as URL parameters, you'll be able to redirect your customers to individual Hakuna-hosted checkout sessions from any of your communication channels, so they buy product protection post-purchase.

It's easy to set up and you can integrate it into any of your communication channels (i.e., emails, customer accounts, membership apps, loyalty programs, etc.). You'll just need to decide where to place the link to the Hakuna-hosted checkout session and how to advertise the post-purchase product protection.

Prepare your data

You'll need access to product and transaction data (including the Hakuna category) wherever you request a Hakuna-hosted checkout via Hakuna Redirect. Make sure the following data is available to you at the point of integration:

interface URLParameters {
    order_id: string // the identifier of the order or transaction in your system
    product_purchase_date: number; // date and time at which the protectable product was purchased, in epoch time, in seconds
    product_id: string; // the product ID used in your system
    product_brand: string; // the product brand
    product_title: string; // the product title
    product_category: number; // the associated Hakuna product category
    product_price: number;  // your product price in cents
    country: 'de' | 'at'; // the country the product was sold to, taken from the order/transaction billing address in your system, provided as a two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format) in lowercase
    pk: string // your public key for authentication, provided by Hakuna
    fulfillment_date?: number; // date and time at which the protectable product was fulfilled (typically shipped), in epoch time, in seconds, optional

Most of the above values can be hardcoded but order_id, product_purchase_date and the (optional) fulfillment_date are dynamic values.

Redirect customers to a unique checkout session

HTTP method: GET


To redirect a customer to a unique checkout session where they can buy product protection for a previously-purchased product, pass us the above query parameters in an HTTP GET request.

Keep in mind that each checkout session is tied to a single product within a transaction (with a quantity of one or more), so you'll need to request separate redirects for each product within the transaction.

If validation is successful, the customer will be redirected to a unique checkout session where they can submit their payment information to complete the transaction and purchase product protection for their product. Once they do, we'll send them an email confirming their purchase.

If there are any validation errors (i.e., missing query parameters), they'll be redirected to an error page instead.

Configure the design of the checkout page

We use Hakuna branding for the checkout session by default. If you want us to configure the design of the checkout session to match your brand, please provide us with a URL to your logo and hex colour codes for the following components:

  • primary colour for headlines and CTAs

  • secondary colour for background components

  • text colour

Last updated